Following our years of providing disinfection services in Mallorca, we offer different solutions for each type of installation, allowing large areas to be disinfected in a short time, while achieving maximum coverage in even the most remote areas and in the shortest time possible.
Only professionals in virus disinfection and sanitary hygiene in Mallorca can act with maximum efficiency and speed, guaranteeing results through rapid action that will allow, in a short period of time, the regular activity of the company or public space to be resumed.
Prevention and treatment against corona virus in Mallorca
According to the recommendations of health agencies, it is necessary to disinfect public facilities and workplaces where an infection has occurred or where a person associated with an infected person has been present. The high resilience of the virus to external factors makes it strongly recommendable to disinfect facilities to kill the infection on all surfaces and in hard to reach areas.

How to prevent Covid-19 in Mallorca
Considered a worldwide pandemic and without a vaccine, for the moment, that can prepare our body against the effects of COVID-19, the recommendations of extreme hygiene measures are the most effective way to avoid its contagion. Washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces of common use with cleaning products or the use of a mask, are some basic practises that can make a difference to fight against the spread of the virus among the population of Mallorca. The guarantee of disinfection of common spaces can be the decisive factor in preventing the spread of the virus in these spaces.
Disinfection in companies and residential communities
Companies that are usually open to the public, but also those that have spaces with high employee movement or interaction, such as dining rooms or break rooms, have a health responsibility to undertake disinfection actions against viruses and bacteria, taking into account the life span of COVID-19 on different surfaces. Hotels, restaurants, touristic companies, offices, transport stations or shops are some of the places where the probability of contagion is greater and where it is advisable to undertake actions of prevention and treatment against the coronavirus.

Methods of protection and disinfectants used
At Trima, we offer services of disinfection of spaces and facilities that manages to effectively avoid the propagation of bacteria and virus both in the air and on surfaces. Our experience in this sector gives us a guarantee of success and compliance with the highest standards of service.
We offer different solutions for each type of situation. We apply disinfectant with a spraying system or by nebulization, guaranteeing the elimination of viruses and bacteria in seconds, in a process without any risk for humans. We use products recommended by the organisations for Emergency Control of Diseases and certified in the guidelines of biosecurity by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, which ensure the elimination of viruses and bacteria in seconds, being completely safe for people.