At Trima we combat the diverse pests which can affect plants and trees, and to do so we carry out a study to get to know which are the possible diseases or plagues susceptible to the plant or tree.
We carry out a preventative treatment to avoid possible damages which pests can cause. When it comes to a tree or plant, if it looks affected we intervene to eradicate the pest studying the case to determine which will be the best treatment and method of application to be carried out.
We are specialists in controlling plagues which may affect your pines or palms, as well as the processionary caterpillar and the red palm weevil.
Specialists against the red palm weevil and caterpillar
Red palm weevil
The red palm weevil is a pest which affects palms, especially the canarian palm, Washingtonia and date palm, without discarding other species such as the coconut-tree and the Guinea Palm.
Its presence has been detected in Heart Palms (Garballó in Mallorcan), a very worrying fact for the protected species. At Trima we have the solution to control the red palm weevil plague, following the recommendations of various public and private institutions, experts in pest control of this plague and which we have collaborated with since the detection of this problem.
- If you suspect that your palm could be affected, contact us an we willl design a curative treatment for it.
- If they aren’t affected, we will propose a preventative treatment. Remember that with most certainty, your palms will be effected sooner or later. It’s better to prevent that to cure.

Processionary caterpillar
The processionary is a season pest which affects pines, and although it doesn’t actually kill the tree it does debilitate it favouring it to be contaminaded by other pests. Nevertheless, one of the largest problems this caterpillar presents is that it can cause important allergic reactions both in people and animals.
At Trima we have different treatments for controlling this pest, using endotherapy as a priority treatment system, in this way we can eliminate the Caterpillar in its first stages without damaging the pine. We must keep in mind that this treatment must be done from July onwards until December, and if won’t be effective when the processionary caterpillars come down from the pines in search of nutrients. When large extensions are in question, we carry out a located pulverization, always using products authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.